
Conference Articles


  1. 3D Facial Expressions through Analysis-by-Neural-Synthesis
    G. Retsinas, P. P. Filntisis, R. Danecek, V. F. Abrevaya, A. Roussos, T. Bolkart, and P. Maragos
    In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024


  1. Feather: An Elegant Solution to Effective DNN Sparsification
    A.G. Georgoulakis, G. Retsinas, and P. Maragos
    In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2023
  2. Visual Speech-Aware Perceptual 3D Facial Expression Reconstruction from Videos
    P. P. Filntisis, G. Retsinas, F. Paraperas-Papantoniou, A. Katsamanis, A. Roussos, and P. Maragos
    In 4th Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW) at CVPR, 2023
  3. Mushroom Segmentation and 3D Pose Estimation from Point Clouds using Fully Convolutional Geometric Features and Implicit Pose Encoding
    G. Retsinas, N. Efthymiou, and P. Maragos
    In Agriculture-Vision: 4th International Workshop at CVPR, 2023
  4. A Realistic Synthetic Mushroom Scenes Dataset
    D. Anagnostopoulou, G. Retsinas, N. Efthymiou, P. Filntisis, and P. Maragos
    In Agriculture-Vision: 4th International Workshop at CVPR, 2023
  5. Enhancing Action Recognition in Vehicle Environments with Human Pose Information
    M. Konstantinou, G. Retsinas, and P. Maragos
    In PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA), 2023
  6. Keyword Spotting Simplified: A Segmentation-Free Approach using Character Counting and CTC re-scoring
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, and C. Nikou
    In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2023
  7. Shared-Operation Hypercomplex Networks for Handwritten Text Recognition
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, P. Dimitrakopoulos, B. Gatos, and C. Nikou
    In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2023
  8. Binarization with Quaternionic Double Discriminator Generative Adversarial Network
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, and B. Gatos
    In Workshop on Machine Learning, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2023
  9. Styled Text-to-Text-Content-Image Generation with Latent Diffusion Models
    K. Nikolaidou, G. Retsinas, V. Christlein, M. Seuret, G. Sfikas, E. Barney Smith, H. Mokayed, and 1 more author
    In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2023
  10. From Digital Phenotype Identification to Detection of Psychotic Relapses
    N. Efthymiou, G. Retsinas, P. Filntisis, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, E. Kalisperakis, V. Garyfalli, and 4 more authors
    In IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2023
    A. Zlatintsi, P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, C. Garoufis, G. Retsinas, T. Sounapoglou, I. Maglogiannis, and 3 more authors
    In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023
  12. Newton-based Trainable Learning Rate
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, P. P. Filntisis, and P. Maragos
    In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023


  1. Attribute-based Gesture Recognition: Generalization to Unseen Classes
    G. Retsinas, P. P. Filntisis, N. Kardaris, and P. Maragos
    In IEEE 14th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP), 2022
  2. Neural Network Approximation based on Hausdorff distance of Tropical Zonotopes
    P. Misiakos, G. Smyrnis, G. Retsinas, and P. Maragos
    In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022
  3. Hypercomplex Generative Adversarial Networks for Lightweight Semantic Labeling
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, B. Gatos, and C. Nikou
    In International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI), 2022
  4. Best Practices for a Handwritten Text Recognition system
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos, and C. Nikou
    In International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2022
  5. On-The-Fly Deformations for Keyword Spotting
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos, and C. Nikou
    In International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2022
  6. Exploring uses of Normalizing Flows for Document Image Processing: Text Super-resolution and Binarization
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, and B. Gatos
    In International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems (DAS), 2022
  7. Keyword Spotting with Quaternionic ResNet: Application to Spotting in Greek Manuscripts
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, A. Giotis, B. Gatos, and C. Nikou
    In International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2022


  1. Online Weight Pruning Via Adaptive Sparsity Loss
    G. Retsinas, A. Elafrou, G. Goumas, and P. Maragos
    In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021
  2. Deformation-Invariant Networks For Handwritten Text Recognition
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou, and P. Maragos
    In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021
  3. From Seq2Seq Recognition to Handwritten Word Embeddings
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou, and P. Maragos
    In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021
  4. Iterative Weighted Transductive Learning for Handwriting Recognition
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, and C. Nikou
    In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2021
  5. Quaternion Generative Adversarial Networks for Inscription Detection in Byzantine Monuments
    G. Sfikas, A.P. Giotis, G. Retsinas, and C. Nikou
    In 2nd workshop on Pattern Recognition for Cultural Heritage (PatReCH 2020), held in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2021
  6. Enhancing Handwritten Text Recognition with N-gram sequence decomposition and Multitask Learning
    V. Tassopoulou, G. Retsinas, and P. Maragos
    In 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2021


  1. How to track your dragon: A Multi-Attentional Framework for real-time RGB-D 6DOF Object Pose Tracking
    I. Marougkas, P. Koutras, N. Kardaris, G. Retsinas, G. Chalvatzaki, and P. Maragos
    In 6th Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose (R6D2020) of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020
  2. An intelligent cloud-based platform for effective monitoring of patients with psychotic disorders
    I. Maglogiannis, A. Zlatintsi, A. Menychtas, D. Papadimatos, P.P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, G. Retsinas, and 2 more authors
    In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovation (AIAI-2020), 2020
  3. Person Identification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Short-Term Signals from Wearable Sensors
    G. Retsinas, P. P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, E. Theodosis, A. Zlatintsi, and P. Maragos
    In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
  4. Maxpolynomial Division with Application to Neural Network Simplification
    G. Smyrnis, G. Retsinas, and P. Maragos
    In 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020


  1. An Alternative Deep Feature Approach to Line Level Keyword Spotting
    G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Sfikas, and B. Gatos
    In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019
  2. RecNets: Depthwise-Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks
    G. Retsinas, A. Elafrou, G. Goumas, and P. Maragos
    In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2019


  1. Compact Deep Decriptors for Keyword Spotting
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, and B. Gatos
    In 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR’18), 2018
  2. Exploring critical aspects of CNN-based Keyword Spotting. A PHOCNet study
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis, and B. Gatos
    In 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS’18), 2018


  1. Transferable deep features for keyword spotting
    G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, and B. Gatos
    In IWCIM, in conjuction with EUSIPCO, 2017
  2. A PHOC Decoder for Lexicon-Free Handwritten Word Recognition
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, and B. Gatos
    In 14th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR’17), 2017
  3. Nonlinear Manifold Embedding on Keyword Spotting using t-SNE
    G. Retsinas, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis, G. Sfikas, and B. Gatos
    In 14th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2017


  1. Zoning Aggregated Hypercolumns for Keyword Spotting
    G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, and B. Gatos
    In 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR’16), 2016
  2. Keyword Spotting in Handwritten Documents using Projections of Oriented Gradients
    G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, and B. Gatos
    In 12th Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2016
  3. Efficient Document Image Segmentation Representation by Approximating Minimum-Link Polygons
    G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, and B. Gatos
    In 12th Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS’16), 2016


  1. GRPOLY-DB: An Old Greek Polytonic Document Image Database
    B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis, G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, V. Papavassiliou, F. Simistira, and 1 more author
    In 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR’15), 2015
  2. Isolated Character Recognition using Projections of Oriented Gradients
    G. Retsinas, B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, and G. Louloudis
    In 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR’15), 2015
  3. Historical Typewritten Document Recognition Using Minimal User Interaction
    G. Retsinas, B. Gatos, A. Antonacopoulos, G. Louloudis, and N. Stamatopoulos
    In 3rd International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP’15), 2015

Book Chapters


  1. OldDocPro: Old Greek Document Recognition
    B. Gatos, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, A. Giotis, F. Simistira Liwicki, and 2 more authors
    In Handwritten Historical Document Analysis, Recognition, and Retrieval — State of the Art and Future Trends, 2020

Journal Articles


  1. Mushroom Detection and 3D Pose Estimation from Multi-View Point Clouds
    G. Retsinas, N. Efthymiou, D. Anagnostopoulou, and P. Maragos
    MDPI Sensors, 2023


  1. Transforming Scholarship in the Archives Through Handwritten Text Recognition: Transkribus as a Case Study
    G. Mühlberger, L. Seaward, G. Retsinas, H. Wurster, and K. Zagoris
    Journal of Documentation, 2019


  1. Efficient Learning-Free Keyword Spotting
    G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, and B. Gatos
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018